Saint Therese of the Child Jesus

sainte therese

Sing the Mercies of the lord Marie Françoise Martin was born in Alençon (France) on january 2, 1873, fifth ans last dauther of a Christian family where she grew up « surrounded with love ». She was 4 years old when her mother died. A new trial came and broke her child heart: her sister Pauline and then her sister Mary she had chosen as « little mothers » die. At the age…

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Living a Lent of Mercy

Lent: a word that means sacrifice, deprivation, fasting… Nothing very joyful. And then, at the beginning of Lent, I reread Anthony’s testimony “The Gospel is a source of Mercy in my life” and I think: “Why not living a Lent of Mercy?” How? I start by turning off my radio, especially a show that lasts a while and to which I am addicted to at the beginning of my…

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Witness of Mercy

témoin misericorde

« Disciple of Mercy… a heart united with those who are suffering » Mercy and health ? What a surprising association at first sight ! Neverless… I am a Parisian Osteopath, married and father of a little boy named Thomas. Day after day, in the exercise of my profession I see that there can not be True health without mercy, true care without kindness and true recovery without compassion. There is nothing new…

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Missionaries Priests of Mercy

pretres missionnaires

That the word of forgiveness may reach everyone and that the invitation to experience mercy may leave no one indifferent ! The mission of the Missionaries Priests of Mercy is described by Pope Francis in « The Face of Mercy » (n° 18). Everyone without exception is invited to welcome the call to Mercy. The Missionaries Priests of Mercy are : A living sign of the way the Father welcomes those who are…

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The Cenacle (Cenacolo)

A response to be ill-being of young people. The Cenacle was founded in Turin in 1983 by Sr Elvira in response to the ill-being of many young people, lost in the world of addictions and often marginalized. « We are family of « public sinners » people enlivened and saved by the Lord who bent over us when we were in the mud of sin. We are a community of men and…

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Saint Faustina

sainte faustine

Helena Kowalska was born on August 25th 1905, in a small village in Poland. She was the third child in a family of ten children. Her parents were God-loving, poor farmers. While she was very young Helena had an inclination for prayer. She made her First Communion at the age of 9 and was fully aware that Jesus, true God and true Man, who died and rose again from…

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Pier Giorgio Frassatti

pier giorgio frassatti

Pier Giorgio was born on April 6th 1901, in Turin. He was the eldest of two children. From childhood, Pier Giorgio loved the Lord. He used to pray and receive Holy Communion every Sunday. He prayed the Rosary because he loved the Blessed Virgin very much. He was also very moved by the suffering of others. One day, he jumped into icy water to save the life of a…

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Saint John Paul II

jean paul ll

Karol Jozef Wojtyla was born May 18th 1920, at Wadowice, a small town 50km from Krakow, in Poland. He was baptised on June 20th 1920 in the church in Wadowice, by Father Francis Zak, made his First Communion at the age of 9 and was Confirmed at 18. Karol decided to say « yes » to the Lord’s call and became a priest. A few years later, Pope Paul VI requested…

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Witnesses to Mercy

The day he entrusted the world to God’s Mercy, St John Paul II in the sanctuary of the Divine Mercy in Lagiewniki, near Krakow, declared : In the mercy of God the world will find peace and mankind will find happiness … May you be witnesses to mercy ! (17 August 2002) Pope Francis very often invites every baptized person to be a missionary of Jesus : « show by your life and also…

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