Picture of Jesus Mercy

jesus misericordieux

The picture of Jesus Mercy represents Jesus clothed in a large, white robe, with His right arm blessing and His left arm showing His open Heart from which two rays spring out. One of the mis white ; the other is red representing the blood and water chich gushed from the side of Christ after His death on the cross (cf. Gospel of St Jean 19,34). They show the unlimited…

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Divine Mercy Hour

heure misericorde

When ? We like being with those whom we love especially when they are suffering. Through the intercession of St Faustina, Jesus asked us to encounter Him in our prayer at 3pm, the hour of His great suffering. Jesus died on the cross and His heart was pierced by the soldier’s word. Blood and water gushed from His side that is in torrents of DivineMercy. Why ? Because Jesus told St…

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Mercy Sunday 

dimanche misericorde

In response to Our Lord’s request to St Faustina, St John Paul II, on Sunday April 30th 2000, asked for the second Sunday after Easter to be named « Mercy Sunday ». « I wish that the feast of Mercy be a recourse and refuge for all souls and above all, for poor sinners. On this day the source of my Mercy is open ; I shower an ocean of graces on souls…

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The Chaplet of Divine Mercy


On September 14th, 1935, Sr Faustina heard the following words : « Always say the prayer I taught you yesterday. Those who will say it twill experience my Mercy all though their lives and above all at the hour of their death ». This prayer reminds us that Jesus gave his life for us through Love in order to save us from the weight of sin. We all need God’s Mercy. The…

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