They talk about it

Mercy is « Compassion of the heart for the misery of others which drives to help if we can do so ». St Augustine Mercy is exclusive to God whose omnipotence rightly consists in works of mercy. St Thomas Acquinas Mercy is like an overflowing torrent. It takes hearts in its wake. St Jean Marie Vianney Mercy replaces that which is missing. It repairs by giving, caring and healing…

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Christ is Alive !

pape francois christus vivit

The Pope’s message for young people and for all God’s people. Further to the Young People’s Synod, Pope Francis wrote Christ is Alive, which takes into account many of the suggestions expressed by young people from all over the world, present at the Synod. In Christ is Alive, « Mercy » appears three times, where Pope Francis evokes young people’s commitment (cf. § 168, 173, 177). Committed Young people 168. At times,…

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Pope Benedict XVI


“I desire mercy, and not sacrifice’, you would not have condemned the guiltless” (Mt 12: 7). God’s words have come down to us, through the Gospels, as a synthesis of the entire Christian message : true religion consists in love of God and neighbour. Angelus St Peter’s Square Sunday, 9 June 2008 Since God can only be merciful we do not live as if good and evil were the…

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Pope Francis

pape françois

Mercy is not only a feeling, it is strength which life, which resuscitates mankind. Tweet – 9 June 2013 Jesus is waiting and wants to heal our hearts from everything which degrades them. He is God whose name is Mercy. Tweet – 14 February 2016 Mercy, is a journey that goes « from the heart to the hands ». Tweet – October 8th 2016 Mercy does not mean laxity or rigidity……

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St John Paul II

Mercy is needed in order to ensure that every injustice in the world will come to an end in the splendour of truth. Kraków-Łagiewniki, 17 August 2002  « Divine Mercy is definitely the limit to evil of which man is the author and the victim ». Memory and identity, p. 71 In no passage of the Gospel message does forgiveness, or mercy as its source, mean indulgence towards evil, towards scandals,…

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