Mercy is « Compassion of the heart for the misery of others which drives to help if we can do so ».
St Augustine
Mercy is exclusive to God whose omnipotence rightly consists in works of mercy.
St Thomas Acquinas
Mercy is like an overflowing torrent. It takes hearts in its wake.
St Jean Marie Vianney
Mercy replaces that which is missing. It repairs by giving, caring and healing body and soul. We owe
the bodies which are confided to us maximum order and the souls all that we owe light. We owe
each person the utmost love : human and divine. It is the uttermost service.
Madeleine Delbrel
After all, Mercy is not such a great word. It can be lived out daily simply by accepting everything
without being a martyr confiding all things to Christ. One must accept oneself first of all with one’s
mistakes trusting in God’s love. This, in itself is comfort.
Mercy is also accepting what one can not do.
Fanny, 25 years
Mercy is the diapason of all the movements of the Church. Nothing is bland or wan about it. On the
contrary, it needs a firm and determined soul to bear it. If it is compassion for the suffering, it is all
the more insurgence against sorrow or injustice which oppresses.
Mgr Jean Louis Brugues, o.p. May, 2002
Mercy is in no case giving in to injustice or violence. Mercy is not at all compassionate sensitivity
which would wipe out evil ; it is the accomplishment of justice and pardon. Mercy is compassion in
the face of moral or physical evil. It is the desire to overcome it or at least set a limit to it. It is the
force of truth and love which opposes evil to goodness (cf. Rm 12, 17,21)
Mgr Albert Marie de Monléon, o.p.