
The jeunesmisericorde.fr site is a site for young people. He proposes to perceive the beauty and the strength of the Divine Mercy. Everyone is invited to a progressive discovery according to the form that touches them: text, photo gallery, video, prayer, testimonies.

A team, at the service of the announcement of Mercy, wishes to make Mercy known and loved “Which is the most beautiful name of God”. This site is under the patronage of three French bishops, who since 2008 have been accompanying the Congresses of Mercy in France.

Karine and Juan Alva Bernal

Married, have two children aged 9 and 12. Karine has been at the service of the Church since she was 23 years old. On a humanitarian mission in Peru then at Youth Ministry in various dioceses, she regularly creates activities for young people. Juan, teacher and composer of Catholic music, has created videos and music for young people in Latin America and France.

Tony and Béatrice Pizzinato

Married, have three children aged 6, 4 and 2. Engaged with the other volunteers at the service of the Congress of Mercy and accompanying bishops, because “it is for us a concrete way of being at the service of the Gospel and of the Church, particularly in this Year of Mercy” .

Julien Dugué

Graphic designer, illustrator and web designer for the jeunesmiséricorde website..

Marie-Cécile Dugué

Editorial secretariat